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Events directory

See our current events page for new exhibitions and events and seminars happening

Upcoming events

 Majesty Conference

An annual gathering for artists of faith held in Whakatu Nelson, Aotearoa!

3 - 6 October 2024

Registrations are now Open

Chrysalis Collection book of the month

Each month we highlight a book of the month available for borrowing from the Chrysalis Collection at Knox College

Allie Eagle at Te Puna Rere

Read more about Allie

ATELIER Ministries

ATELIER Studio Gallery

Generating and strengthening networks of

Christian artists around New Zealand

and showcasing the best artists

 of faith in Aotearoa

Atelier Ministries and Studio | Gallery website

Chrysalis Seed

The vision of Chrysalis Seed is to 'generate multiplying groups of artists in a subculture centred in Jesus'. Its mission is to ‘equip artists to integrate their art and faith, and to reconcile art and faith communities’. 

CS Arts magazine online presence

This website is being maintained to ensure accessibility of the CS Arts magazines and to emphasise that the vision of Chrysalis Seed for artists in New Zealand will keep going for the long term, as it takes on a life of its own. 

The following ongoing services are available:

some of these are run by other people and organisations

  1. A comprehensive library of art and faith materials available nationally to artists and students through Knox College, Dunedin
  2. National gatherings of artists in Nelson (Majesty Conferences organised through Atelier Ministries)
  3. All published CS Arts magazines available online.

Information available online

Allie Eagle

Well known feminist artist Allie Eagle died, 27 May 2022, age 73 after suffering for several months from an aggressive ovarian cancer. Allie has been written into the recent art history of Aotearoa as a key leader of the women’s radical movement in art starting in the ‘70’s. She will be less known for the arts practice she continued after deciding to follow Jesus in 1981. The film Allie Eagle and Me by Briar March, of 2004 along with her interview with Wendy Allen,  Allie Eagle Sep 2004  shows how Allie recontextualizes her earlier work. 

This obituary by Jillian Wordsworth outlines Allie’s life, and provides a useful point of reference as well as a tribute to a significant artist of our times. Jillian Wordsworth is a fourth year student doing honours in painting at the Ilam school of Fine Arts at Canterbury University.

Peter Crothall 

Peter's Thesis, The Art of Colin McCahon: Vision of God and the Land  has been released by the University of Otago for public viewing.

The Chrysalis Seed Art and Faith library is now in Dunedin 

The CS Library is in the Hewitson Library at Knox College in Dunedin.

Networks and initiatives in Aotearoa

ATELIER Ministries (Nelson)

After not being in a position to network much between 2010-2017, Jessica and Peter discovered an exciting new initiative in Nelson mid 2018. David James, along with his wife Nina, has started ATELIER Ministries, a charitable trust from which ATELIER Studio|Gallery was launched in Nelson.

David has started a new dealer gallery model, with a desire to showcase the best artists of faith in Aotearoa. He has a vision for many more initiatives in integrating art and faith in Aotearoa. One of these is the annual Conference in Nelson called Majesty (www.atelier.org.nz/majesty). The next of these is currently being planned as I write. He is also exploring ways of strengthening and generating networks of Christian artists around the nation through the online community ATELIER/Collective.

The Bonfire

Bonfire is an online community of artists centred in the Auckland area, not currently meeting regularly. For more information online, see Karen Sewell.

Peter and Jessica Crothall

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